Friday evenng I left Galvarino after a fun-filled day of "parading" with the students and teachers of my school. We marched to the music of the high school band in a militaristic fashion. It was unlike anything I have done on the 4th of July next to a Lexus advertising Joe Rice for County Supervisor, waving to the children of the Northshore of Milwaukee and tossing candy to the children I once babysat. Traditional dances were performed and the mayor spoke.
I boarded the bus for Temuco at 7pm on Friday where I met Shannan for a quick Pisco Souron Avenida Alemania before heading to Rodoviaro for my 11pm bus to Santiago. Half an hour delayed, in the second to last row of the second floor of the over heated bus behind a crying 6 week old baby we were headed for Santiago. I drifted in and out of sleep to be fully awoken to Party Rock Anthem on lasting thought he overhead speaker and video on the screens of the bus as we pulled into Terminal La Borja. Colleen arrived shortly after and after some communication and finding out we were not in the same terminal, we reunited in search of our hostel.
A sweet, uncle-like cab driver took us to our location after a bit of confusion in attempts to locate our dwelling. We arrived to find it nestled in the quiet streets of the charming Provedencia neighborhood. Laura and Lindsay arrived in the afternoon and we had dinner at the hostel while chatting with some of the colorful characters that hostels generally bring together. Extravagent stories, a fake birthday toast and some champagne later we all decided we were tired and called it a night.
Sunday morning we headed out early after discovering the one of three of Pablo Neruda's homes was a very short walk away and open for tours. I was very excited as he is one of my favorites and had seen is La Sebastiana home in Valparaíso, anxious to see how they compared. Thanks to my expired Marquette ID, a $1500 ($3 USD) fee gave us a tour in Spanish. The house is modeled to look like a boat with one part replicating a lighthouse . It is filled with beautiful furniture and art that were added by the foundation after his house was burned by the military government. It was for his third and final wife, Mathilde. The house had leather chairs, a collection Royal Dalton's and blown glass spheres and I couldn't help think of my Dad and his collections.
After leaving the museum, we happend upon the Cerro San Cristóbal, an 880 meter hill. The funicular, or cable car to the top was not running and opted for walking rather than the bus. A few breaks on the way up, we made it. It was worth every step. There is an amphitheater for masses and a breathtaking statue of the Virgin Mary as well as a chapel. It surrounded by the Andes and amazing views of the city. I offered intentions for my family and friend (Especially my grandma, Mary Anne, for her birthday and in thanks for my opprotunities.) the prayer offered to Our Mother of Santiago is:
Madre de Santiago.
Virgen Inmaculada. Señora del San Cristóbal,
confiados en tu bondad y en tu ternura
queremos presentarte nuestra oración.
Mira, Madre, a tu ciudad.
Aquí tienes nuestras casas y poblaciones,
nuestras fábricas, cárceles y escuelas,
nuestros hospitales, estadios y caminos.
Queremos invocar tu protección sobre nosotros.
Haz que nunca falte el pan en nuestras mesas,
ni cariño en los hogares.
Haz que siempre haya justicia en nuestras leyes
y respeto por cada ser humano.
Mira, Madre, a nuestros enfermos,
que te suplican la salud.
Mira a los pobres y los tristes
que piden justicia y alegría.
Mira a los abandonados y solitarios
que buscan amor y comprensión.
Mira nuestras familias
que necesitan diálogo y unidad.
Protege a nuestros niños y a los jóvenes,
y no te olvides de los ausentes y viajeros.
Eres la Madre del amor y la esperanza.
Eres la Virgen del dolor resucitado.
Ayúdanos a confiar en el Padre.
Ayúdanos a seguir a tu Hijo.
Ayúdanos a escuchar al Espíritu
y a amar a nuestra Iglesia.
Haz de nosotros un país de hermanos.
Prayer to the mother of Santiago
Mother of Santiago.
Immaculate Virgin. Madam de San Cristóbal,
trusting in your goodness and your tenderness
We present you our prayer.
Look, mother, to your city.
Here are our houses and people,
our factories, prisons, and schools,
our hospitals, stadiums and roads.
We want to invoke your protection upon us.
Make that never miss the bread on our tables,
or honey in the homes.
Make that justice will always be in our laws
and respect for every human being.
Look, mother, our sick,
that you beg you health.
Look at the poor and the sad
that you call for Justice and joy.
Look at the abandoned and lonely
that you are looking for love and understanding.
Watch our families
needed dialogue and unity.
It protects our children and young people,
and don't forget the absent and travelers.
You're the mother of love and hope.
You are the Virgin of risen pain.
Help us to trust in the father.
Help us to follow your son.
Help us to listen to the spirit
and to love our Church.
Make us a country of brothers.
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